How do I start the new year? By starting a new blog of course! What do I hope to achieve with this blog? Inspiration, creativity, diversity, world peace... um, yeah. The truth? I want to be a testimonial (maybe more a mark on the page) that you can work full time, and still carry on artistic endeavours professionally, and with some modicum of success.
You see, I'm an artist. A part time artist. Some weeks a very, very part time painter. I'm also a software developer, working full time for a government agency (.NET for all you geeks out there). I've been straddling the two careers for several years now, sometimes successfully, other times not.
I chose to do things this way for several reasons:
- I hate not knowing when my next payday will be
- I don't like working at home by myself all the time (despite all the office politics, I need people around me)
- I would get bored easily just painting (don't get me wrong, I love painting, but I need other types of brain stimulation - things I get from programming and project management)
- I procrastinate (give me a deadline, a budget, people to boss around and I'll get things done, otherwise...)
- I'm not as dedicated to art as I would need to be
- I like having art as something I enjoy, not
- productivity - balancing time, life and art
- creativity - how you keep your 'muse' in check
- being a microbusiness - will I have a life and keep my sanity?
- being an online artist - galleries, products, marketing oh my!
- reducing stress - yes, having multiple hats can be stressful!
- reviews of books, products, websites, tips & tricks related to art and creativity
- any other related tid bits
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